Monday, November 28, 2011

Catholic Social Justice

 I reviewed many U Tube videos and many have good visuals about what our Catholic Faith believes--  The OPEN UP YOUR EYES video is incredible they ask questions of  children "Where do you work?" and a  7-yr old says "In a garage, in a tea shop, " so sad but they are all smiling --must see!!!!

And the Catholic Social Justice website at and they have these programs to name a few:
  • Catholic Campaign for Human Development and the Multi-Media Youth Arts Contest
  • Catholic Relief Services
  • Operation Rice Bowl
  • CRS Fair Trade Program
  • Faithful Citizenship
  • Justice for Immigrants
  • Voices for Justice
  • Wisconsin Catholic Conference
  •  And here is a great reference to scripture: WARNING: The study, practice, and spirituality of Catholic social justice teachings may be hazardous to your 
    hard-heartedness, complacency, skepticism and  indifference.  Proceed at your own risk! 
    You are the God of the lowly, the helper of the oppressed, the supporter of the weak, the protector of the forsaken,
    the savior of those without hope. Judith 9:11

    Here is the exact script to embed
    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Those who shut their ears to the cry of the poor will themselves also call and not be heard. Proverbs 21:13 

    The Proverbs quote  is one to remember....

    Create your own post ....just click to add your thoughts on social justice.......

Monday, November 21, 2011

Want to create your own Jesse Tree? I found a website that offers free reflections as you add an ornament and free in color small and large ornaments to download and cut-out------and I was going to buy some!!! The website is from the  Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Erie, PA and the link takes you right to the I tested the link and it should work.
It is a website for their  Faith Magazine. . All you need for the project is a drawing of a tree or put a few branches of a tree (Maybe spray painted gold)  in a pot filled with sand or pebbles and add an ornament with a prayer from the reflection download.  My daughter is 15 and she said OK to the project. There is always a little bit of the  spontaneous little kid in teens-sometimes she doesn't really want to be so high-school grown up. We
Well, let me know what you think-Add a message or post!****

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Changes to the Roman Missal and that "Consubstant..".

 Changes to the Mass,  new phrases.. .. of "Ok..I have a great video from Life Teen Mass that explains the meaning  of "Consubstantial"in easy words acted out by a teen-the same one that is on the video we saw with our  classes  in the parish hall. I can't believe that  he is only 14 years old! I have decided to say the Gloria at the end of class. It has so many changes-- I thought that it would be good practice--?? I will start with opening prayer and use "The Lord Be With You"  "And With Your Spirit" 

The really LONG word, "Consubstantial" is the subject of the following video. The narrator does an awesome job of explaining the meaning so that it is understandable. I have read the book information about it but the video helped my awareness.

I would love to hear  ideas  and suggestions.... .adding a post here is easy! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wordle, You Tube and Classroom Creativity

Wordle Beautiful Web Clouds-I needed a creative way to deliver Psalms and Scripture to decorate a Prayer Board and this site was fun.Go to  and start the word designs. They were colorful and there is no work involved at all-just paste or type in text and the system generates your word cloud. I used the entire content of Psalm 100 and it turned out very cool.
Then I used YouTube video of the Saint Song for All Souls Day and I am trying to incorporate music and  the web into each lesson. Please! Let me know of your creative ideas and what works for you!